Friday, 4 December 2009
Two Of The Houses In My Own Collection . . .
After seeing Ron's beautiful buildings, I thought I'd post this - I have two 'Tudors' both 1:12 scale, then a further two houses in 1:12 that are unfinished; and then two vintage 1:16 that I'm not sure what to do with, but can't bear to part with them . . . these two are my favourites though {:O)
Still in that festive mood 'mini food' wise . . . like this for real too! I actually like it toasted with butter - does that sound weird? Whatever, I like it {:O)
Still excited about my IGMA Artisan Status . . .
Monday, 30 November 2009
Festive Piccie . . .
Thought I'd add a little 'festive' piccie to get us all in the mood for the first of December tomorrow . . .
Kiva's Gala Apples . . .
I think these are Kiva's BEST apples yet! My favourite anyway . . . everything is just so perfect!!! You can taste them in your 'mind' just looking at them - FAB Kiva!!!
Tuesday, 24 November 2009
Click This Title for 'This Time Last Year . . .'
Thought you might like to see this link {:O)
The food was 1:48 scale (quarter scale) and I created it for Food Delivery Company, 'Ocado' to launch their Christmas Delivery Dates; and the launch of their toy miniature delivery van, that's available online - they deliver for 'Waitrose' up and down the UK!
I really enjoyed the whole experience . . .
The food was 1:48 scale (quarter scale) and I created it for Food Delivery Company, 'Ocado' to launch their Christmas Delivery Dates; and the launch of their toy miniature delivery van, that's available online - they deliver for 'Waitrose' up and down the UK!
I really enjoyed the whole experience . . .
A Fish Of My Own . . .
This was a little tricky, as the person who commissioned me to create this Scottish Salmon, wanted to be able to pick it up and look at it all the way around!!! As well as be able to lay it on a table as though freshly caught and ready to be cooked . . . created with the new Fimo - it's so soft to work with! Well worth the effort though {:O)
Wednesday, 18 November 2009
With Thanks To My Good Friend Kiva! 'IGMA Fellow' WooooHooooo!!!
Now I'm not very good at keeping up with online blogs and suchlike, but, I have to say a big thank you to Kiva, for including me in her own mini food blog; and perhaps that's why I now have five followers LoL! I guess we miniaturists are all a little busy this time of year; and I'm no exception - Christmas and all that! Miniatures make such wonderful gifts . . .
Anyhow, here's Kiva:- a most amazing and talented 'IGMA Fellow' 'now! Soooo well deserved too! An inspiration to us all . . . she creates the most unusal and 'oddball' (to quote her good self ) miniatures and in such a divine way - I love her work! Here's a few piccies . . .
Anyhow, here's Kiva:- a most amazing and talented 'IGMA Fellow' 'now! Soooo well deserved too! An inspiration to us all . . . she creates the most unusal and 'oddball' (to quote her good self ) miniatures and in such a divine way - I love her work! Here's a few piccies . . .
I Love this Kiva - so cute!
Well, thats' all from me today; and I do hope you'll take a look at Kiva's blog - MUCH more entertaining than mine {:O)
Thursday, 5 November 2009
How bad am I? Not keeping up with this 'blog' I mean . . . yet again working towards my next show, which is next Spring - not too far away in the grand scheme of things! So busy busy busy!
As I write all I can hear are fireworks, Bonfire Night is a little wet and miserable this evening . . . but hopefully everyone will keep safe and have a good time!
Here's a little something from me this week to get us into a festive mood - yep - I know, it's not food, but cute all the same!

Friday, 3 July 2009
Tad Warm . . .
As I've just written in my website 'blog' page - if anyone had said to me a number of years ago, that we'd have air conditioning installed into a house in Yorkshire - I'd have split my sides laughing . . . but there you go . . . it's been on all week . . . switched off now though as it's been raining all day; and much cooler - phew!
Here's a link in the image below to show what mini goodies are on offer for anyone to buy; and they all end on Thursday 9th July, 2009 - thanks if you click and peep!

Friday, 12 June 2009
Preparing for my next show . . .
Now I've only just set this blog up, so don't expect volumes of text; and I also know we prefer pictures instead of reading - so here's an image of the kitchen in my Manor House to show I'm also a crazy collector as well as creating the mini's . . .

Now I really must go and carry on replenishing my stock of miniatures for the next show . . . bye for now {:O)
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