Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Tomatoes on the Vine . . .

Now I'm not really sure why it's been fashionable to market tomatoes as 'tomatoes grown on the vine' etc., as - aren't they all grown on the vine . . . ?

Whatever, I succumb to creating them now and then; and it's not an easy task I can tell you! But, well worth the effort when you see the end result - hope you like them too!

P.S. I'm frantically trying to get as much as I possible can together for Miniatura in a few weeks' time . . . so I'll be a bit hit and miss with me blog - what do you mean - 'she is anyway' - LoL! I know {:O) Bye for now.


  1. Apologies for the huge picture (bit of a shock when I checked and clicked!) However, the containers are about 15mm in diameter, so a good bit over half an inch - so quite small!

  2. Those are awesome Carol! I love them!

  3. Thank you very, very much Betty!
